Viktor & Vinga

January 28th, 960
AD marked the birth of one of the greatest Vikings to live in the
Norseman Age. Some say he was kin toThor, the Thunder God.
Unfortunately, this Viking’s tale was lost amidst the breaking surf
of the mighty Atlantic Ocean over a thousand years ago.
That is until the
spring of 2010 when the mystery was finally revealed…
This legend takes
us back to the height of Viking power. Thor’s chosen Viking hero had
set out across the ocean in search of new western lands. A thick,
dark blanket of clouds wrapped tightly around the seas of the North
Atlantic while streaks of lightning illuminated the desperate scene.
Cold, wet spray tore into the faces of hardened Viking warriors as
they wielded massive oars. Dressed in full battle armor, Viktor the
Viking stood in complete disregard to the conditions around him. He
was renowned for his strength and courage, and his own men
faithfully followed him into the murky abyss.
In the end, the
tiny ship was blown far off course and deep into the Great Lakes of
the North American continent.
Here, the vessel
and its Viking crew went down in a cyclone of swirling water and
foam. They sat at the frigid bottom of Lake Superior, where Viktor
was incased in ice to await the time when he would thaw and fulfill
his destiny.
That time came in
the spring of 2010. After thawing on the shores of Lake Superior,
Viktor heard rumors of ice-cream eating Viking warriors on steel
horses. Thrilled at this news, Viktor raced south to these meet
these Vikings in a place called Freeland. When he finally arrived,
he was surprised to learn that these Vikings battled in a game
called touring. There he met Vinga who he took as his bride and
co-rider. The chapter knew his spirit, willingness and support of
GWRRA would be invaluable to them. So he was asked to join their
chapter as the mascot.
Determined to once
again be a hero amongst his Viking brethren, Viktor agreed to remain
a part of the Voyaging Vikings as their official chapter mascot.
After all, how much
demand is there for a thousand year old Viking warrior skilled in
the arts of pillaging and plundering?
So, today Viktor
can be found in a trunk of a “steal horse” with Vinga at his side
touring North America enjoying Ice Cream as they go.
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